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  • Weinstein, Y., Rotem, D., Kooi, H., Yechieli, Y., Sültenfuß, J., Kiro, Y., Harlavan, Y., Feldman, M. and Christiansen, H. H., ­­Permafrost thawing and freezing - direct tracking with radioisotopes, submitted to Permafrost and Periglacial Processes.

  • Tal, A., Weinstein, Y., Yechieli, Y. and Borisover , M. 2017, The influence of fish ponds and salinization on groundwater quality in the multi-layer coastal aquifer system in Israel, Journal of Hydrology 551, 768-783.

  • Weinstein, Y. and Heimann, A. 2016, Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Levant late Cenozoic volcanism, in: Enzel, Y. and Bar-Yoseph, O. (eds), Quaternary of the Levant, Chap. 5, Cambridge University Press, pp. 45-51.

  • Kiro, Y., Weinstein, Y., Starinsky, A. and Yechieli, Y. 2015, Application of radon and radium isotopes to groundwater flow dynamics: an example from the Dead Sea, Chemical Geology 411, 155-171.

  • Regenauer-Lieb, K., Rosenbaum, G., Lyakhovsky, V., Liu, J., Weinberg, R., Segev, A. and Weinstein, Y. 2015, Melt instabilities in a cold lithosphere and implications for intraplate volcanism in the Harrat Ash-Shaam volcanic field (NW Arabia), Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth 120(3), 1543-1558.

  • Rodellas, V., Garcia-Orellana1, J., Masqué, P., Feldman, M. and Weinstein, Y. 2015, Submarine Groundwater Discharge: a major source of nutrients to the Mediterranean Sea, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 112(13), 3926-3930.

  • Shalem, Y., Weinstein, Y., Levi, E., Herut, B., Goldman, M. and Yechieli, Y. 2014, The extent of aquifer salinization next to an estuarine river, an example from the eastern Mediterranean, Hydrogeology Journal DOI 10.1007/s10040-014-1192-3.

  • Weinstein, Y. and Garfunkel, Z. 2014, The Dead Sea transform and the volcanism in northwestern Arabia, in: Garfunkel, Z. and Ben Avraham, Z (eds.), The Dead Sea Transform, Springer, pp. 91-108.

  • Kiro, Y., Weinstein, Y., Yechieli, Y. and Starinsky, A. 2014, The role of long-term aquifer seawater circulation in elemental mass balances: a lesson from the Dead Sea, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 394, 146-158.

  • Weinstein, Y., Weinberger, R. and Calvert, A. 2013, High resolution 40Ar/39Ar study of Mount Avital, northern Golan: reconstructing the interaction between volcanism and a drainage system and their impact on eruptive styles, Bulletin of Volcanology 75, 712, doi:10.1007/s00445-013-0712-7

  • Kiro, Y., Weinstein, Y., Starinsky, A. and Yechieli, Y. 2013, Groundwater ages and reaction rates during seawater circulation in the Dead Sea aquifer, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 122, 17-35, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.08.005

  • Weinstein, Y., 2012, Transform faults as lithospheric boundaries, an example from the Dead Sea transform, Journal of Geodynamics 54, 21-28, doi:10.1016/j.jog.2011.09.005.

  • Shalev, E., Lyakhovsky, V., Weinstein, Y. and Ben-Avraham, Z. 2012, The Thermal Structure of Israel and the Dead Sea Fault, Tectonophysics 602, 69-77, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.09.011

  • Kiro, Y., Yechieli, Y., Voss, C., Starinsky, A. and Weinstein, Y. 2012, Modeling radium distribution in coastal aquifers during sea level changes: the Dead Sea case, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 88, 237-254.

  • Weinstein, Y., Yechieli, Y., Shalem, Y., Burnett, W. C., Swarzenski, P. W. and Herut, B., 2011, What is the role of Fresh Groundwater and Recirculated Seawater in conveying Nutrients to the Coastal Ocean? Environmental Science and Technology 45(12), 5195–5200, DOI: 10.1021/es104394r

  • Shaanan, U., Porat, N., Navon, O., Weinberger, R., Calvert, A. and Weinstein, Y., 2011, OSL dating of a Pleistocene maar: Birket Ram, the Golan heights, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 201(1-4), 397-403, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.06.007

  • Lazar, B., Weinstein, Y., Paytan, A., Magal, E., Bruce, D. and Kolodny, Y., 2008, Ra and Th adsorption coefficients in lakes – Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) "natural experiment" Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(14), 3446-3459.

  • Solomon, E. A., Kastner, M., Jannasch, J., Robertson, G. and Weinstein, Y. 2008, Dynamic fluid flow and chemical fluxes associated with a seafloor gas hydrate deposit on the northern Gulf of Mexico slope, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 270(1-2), 95-105.

  • Weinstein, Y., Burnett, W. C., Swarzenski, P. W, Shalem, Y., Yechieli, Y., and Herut, B. 2007, The role of coastal aquifer heterogeneity in determining fresh groundwater discharge and seawater recycling: an example from the Carmel coast, Israel.  Journal of Geophysical Research 112, C12016, doi:10.1029/2007JC004112.

  • Burnett, W. C., Santos, I., Weinstein, Y., Swarzenski, P. W. and Herut, B. 2007, Remaining uncertainties in the use of Rn-222 as a quantitative tracer of submarine groundwater discharge, in: W. Sanford (ed.), A New Focus on Groundwater–Seawater Interactions, IAHS Publ. 312, 109-118, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK.

  • Weinstein, Y., Shalem, Y., Burnett, W. C., Swarzenski, P. W. and Herut, B. 2007, Temporal variability of Submarine Groundwater Discharge: assessments via radon and seep meters, the southern Carmel Coast, Israel, in: W. Sanford (ed.), A New Focus on Groundwater–Seawater Interactions, IAHS Publ. 312, 125-133, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK.

  • Weinstein, Y. 2007, A transition from Strombolian to phreatomagmatic activity induced by a lava flow damming water in a valley, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 159, 167-284.

  • Weinstein, Y. and Weinberger, R. 2006, The geology and volcanological history of mount Avital, Israel Journal of Earth Sciences 55, 237-255.

  • Swarzenski, P. W., Burnett, W. C., Greenwood, W. J., Herut, B., Peterson, R., Dimova, N., Shalem, Y., Yechieli, Y. and Weinstein, Y. 2006, Combined time-series resistivity and geochemical tracer techniques to examine submarine groundwater discharge at Dor Beach Israel, Geophysical Research Letters 33, L24405, doi:10.1029/2006GL028282.

  • Weinstein, Y., Less, G., Kafri, U. and Herut, B. 2006, Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the southeastern Mediterranean (Israel), preliminary results, Radioactivity of the Environment 8, 360-372.

Bar Ilan University

Geography and Environment

Environmental Radioisotope lab

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