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Groundwater Studies


Groundwater is all water that resides in the subsurface. This includes both fresh, meteoric (that originate from rain) water, as well as saline water, which are either seawater circulating in the subsurface or old brines. Accordingly, the subsurface we deal with includes both aquifers (coastal and others) and the seafloor.

We mainly study:

(1) the interaction (physical and chemical) of seawater with coastal aquifers and groundwater

(2) the age of groundwater or pore water, basically the residence time of fresh water or seawater in the sub-terrain, 
and the rate of flow.

For these, we use both physical and chemical measurements, with highlight on Rn and Ra isotopes as tracers.

Bar Ilan University

Geography and Environment

Environmental Radioisotope lab

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